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Universities Programme

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I am passionate about running courses and seminars for all female students who are at university.
For many young women, this is their first time away from home, first taste of independence and freedom. However, with this also comes a higher risk of facing harassment, assault, rape and attacks.

I believe that all universities should offer every female student the opportunity to learn potentially
life saving skills and knowledge on how to defend themselves. We are always actively trying for
funding so we are able to provide this service to all universities for free.
After speaking with many parents on courses, friends and family and teachers, the consensus has
been one of anger and frustration that this isn’t being offered to their daughters at university. I aim
to try and change this through Surge, I have started a petition to make self-defence courses
obligatory for universities to offer female students. If you would like to sign the petition, please click
on the link below! 

Alternatively, if you are from a university and would like to complete an interest and intent form to
run a course at the establishment, please click on the second link. Every interest form we receive
goes towards evidence when we apply for funding as to the need and want of self-defence!
If you have any questions, please drop us a message and we can arrange a meeting to discuss any queries or bookings. 


Heather - Founder and Director of Surge

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